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Born on the 30th of July, 1940 

A great inventor he would grow up to be 


His father and grandfather were both engineers 

With knowledge of boats from shipbuilder Vickers 


Good times with money, his dad did not meet 

And he was school-hopping to make ends meet. 


He had a great mind, and excelled in mathematics 

O-levels in high school, without any dramatics 


He made mini computers magnificently 

They were special keyboards to plug into TV's 


He created something truly essential 

To everyone in high school 


Instead of bulky adding machines 

His pocket calculators were slim and with sheen 


He made televisions the size of your thumb 

And his all new smart watches were the size of a plumb 


Who are we talking about, all of the time. 

It's the inventor Clive Sinclair, the subject of this rhyme 

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